Stake 5 - 16 Dog Novice A/V Spaniel 2024

Stake 5 - 16 Dog Novice A/V Spaniel 2024 to be held on 18 Nov 2024 at Lilburn Estate, Northumberland by kind permission of Mr Duncan Davidson

Event Type: Spaniel Field Trial

Closing Date: 04 Nov 2024

Draw Date: 05 Nov 2024 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

Draw Time / Location: 20:00 / Total Club Management System. The secretary’s home address. All welcome, please advise if attending.


  • 16 Dog Novice A/V Spaniel
    • Members Entry Fee: £40
    • Non Member Entry Fee: £60
    • Max Entries: 16
    • Judges: Mr John Semmens , Mr Jaseon Atkinson

Login and Enter Event

Owner Dog(s)
Mr Tony Moir
Kentwone Fanta
Mr Nick Lyons
Dounant Elysian
Mr Kenny McMillan
Cudannsa Shapinsay
Cornermarsh Alder of Kingsmeadow
Mr James Newhouse
Donnachaidh losgaintir
Miss Holly Mallabourn
Ribblebrook Rocky
Mr Simon Dixon
Beckfield Spinner of Dawsonlee
Miss Susan Hunton
Spirocon Cassandra of Novaton
Mr Paul Matthews
Meldon Mollie

The draw will be published here on 05 Nov 2024 at 20:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

If you entered this event on-line the result of the draw will be sent to the email address the club has on record.

Those entering by post will receive the draw by the stamped addressed envelope that was included with the entry.